
Reverting uncommitted changes in Git is a common task, useful for undoing recent modifications that you don’t want to keep. This guide will help you understand how to revert these changes using both Lazygit and Git commands.


  1. Accessing the Files Panel:

    • Press 2 to open the 2. Files panel in Lazygit. This displays a list of files with uncommitted changes.
  2. Selecting the File:

    • Use / keys or a single click to hover over the file you want to revert changes for.
  3. Reverting Changes:

    • Press D (uppercase) to open a menu with options for reverting changes.
    • Within this menu, press u to discard unstaged changes in the selected file.

    Lazygit Reversions

Git Commands for Reverting Changes

  1. Nuke Working Tree:

    • To discard all changes (staged, unstaged, and untracked):
      git reset --hard HEAD && git clean -fd
    • This command resets your working tree to the last commit and removes untracked files and directories.
  2. Discard Unstaged Changes:

    • To revert changes that are not staged for commit:
      git checkout -- .
  3. Discard Untracked Files:

    • To remove untracked files from your working directory:
      git clean -fd
  4. Discard Staged Changes:

    • To undo changes that have been staged (but not committed):
      # Stash staged changes and drop the stash
      git stash --keep-index
      git stash drop
  5. Reset Types:

    • Soft Reset: Keeps all changes in your working directory.
      git reset --soft HEAD
    • Mixed Reset: Unstages changes, but keeps them in your working directory.
      git reset --mixed HEAD
    • Hard Reset: Discards all changes since the last commit.
      git reset --hard HEAD


Understanding how to revert changes in Lazygit and using Git commands provides flexibility in managing your repository. Whether you need to discard a few unstaged changes or reset your entire working tree, these tools offer effective solutions.