
This guide demonstrates how to add files to a stash using Lazygit. Stashing is useful for temporarily setting aside changes in your working directory.


  1. Press 2 to switch to the 2. Files panel.

  2. Navigate to the desired files using / keys or a single click.

  3. Once you’ve highlighted a file:

    • Press the s key to mark individual files for stashing.
  4. Observe the changes in the Files window as you select files for stashing.

    Files Window with Selected Files

  5. For regular stashing, press s. However, for more options:

    • Press Shift+S to access the Stash Options menu.

    ![Stash Options Menu](Pasted image 20230722132623.png)

  6. In the Stash Options menu:

    • Choose “stash staged changes” and press Enter.
    • Enter a message for your stash when prompted.

    ![Enter Stash Message](Pasted image 20230722132743.png)

  7. Confirm the stash is created:

    • Look at the bottom-left window to see your new stash entry.

    ![Stash Entry Confirmation](Pasted image 20230722132815.png)

Basic Terminal

To perform a similar action in the terminal:

  1. Stage the files you want to stash:

    git add <file1> <file2> ...
  2. Stash the staged changes with a message:

    git stash push -m "Your stash message"
  3. To confirm the stash was created:

    git stash list

This process in the terminal provides a straightforward way to handle stashing, complementing the Lazygit approach.